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Katie Fruge

Fort Worth

Katie Fruge serves as the associate director for the Christian Life Commission, a faith-based advocacy group that works to inform, empower, and educate. Being a mother of three, two whom have disabilities, has helped shape her passion for being an informed and positive advocate for all Texas children. “I want to learn how to be an effective and helpful advocate that helps create sustainable and long-term solutions for children in Texas,” states Fruge. She joined Texas Partners in Policymaking to also learn more about what legal protections children with disabilities have in the public education system.

Project Title

Just say YES Conference

Project Description

Many churches lack the ability and knowledge on how to create a welcoming and safe space for people with disabilities and the families that care for them. The goal of this project is to provide a roadmap for churches to welcome people with disabilities into their faith communities. When a person with a disability asks, “Do you have a space for me,” this conference will help churches respond, “YES!”

This conference is funded via a grant through the Texas Babtist Missions Foundation. It will be hosted in collaboration with the Texas Babtist Center for Church Health along with the Christian Life Commission.