Angel Arellano

San Antonio

Angel Arellano lives in San Antonio, Texas, with his wife and two children. Having a child with a disability that is under-researched, Arellano joined Texas Partners in Policymaking to elevate the impact of his advocacy in the future. “A goal of mine is to create more awareness and inclusion for children with 5p-,” stated Arellano.

Project Title

 Jump Starting Disability PRG

Project Description

The goal of Jump Starting Disability PRG is to help spark action within Arellano’s employee resource group. Arellano held a screening of the Netflix documentary, “Crip Camp” at his company to begin conversations about disability and inclusion. Ultimately, the goal is to host screenings in other regional locations and help spark the conversation to drive change. Arellano is helping organize a citywide event that would bring members and allies of the disability community together for a screening at a local theater.