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Caralou Smith


Caralou Smith is the mother of two children and has been working in special education for seventeen years. She currently works with The Parish School, a private elementary school for children with disabilities. Smith joined Texas Partners in Policymaking to learn more about programs and services available to families of children with disabilities. Her goal is to share what she learns with the community she serves. “I hope to expand my skillset and knowledge when helping as a volunteer child-advocate for parents navigating the ARD process and other state services,” said Smith.

Project Title

Disability Book Week

Project Description

Disability Book Week, held from April 23-29, is a time in which individuals all over the world are invited to become more inclusive with what they read. Community members are encouraged to read a book that either features a main character with a disability or is written by an author with a disability. The goal of Disability Book Week is to open a world of literary contributions to better understand and appreciate the disabled community.