Jessica Rothe
Liberty Hill
Jessica Rothe is a mom to a young man with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and multiple learning disabilities. Rothe is an advocate with PTC Therapeutics, where she helps newly diagnosed families navigate steroid treatments. She spends most of her time advocating for dyslexia, ADA accessibility, and inclusion in education at her son’s university. Rothe has a degree in business marketing, a real estate license, and had a baby clothing business before her son’s diagnosis. In addition to advocacy, she enjoys attending concerts, movies and traveling to new places.
Project Title
Initiative to Increase Accessibility at Businesses and in the Community in Texas
Project Description
Individuals who use wheelchairs often have difficulties moving about their communities due to the lack of accessibility. Rothe plans to start her own non-profit to advise local businesses and community organizations on how to improve their facilities so individuals who use wheelchairs may navigate public spaces such as colleges, restaurants, and event venues independently in Austin.