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Tiffany Angus


Tiffany Angus is a native of Longview, Texas. Angus’ family includes her husband, TJ, and their four children. She graduated from Kilgore College with her associate’s degree and then from Brigham Young University with a bachelor’s in social work in 2004. Angus served as the first executive director for the East Texas Down Syndrome Group from 2015-2018. She has also worked for a regional IDD service provider at a residential center for men with learning disabilities and as a birth mom counselor for an adoption agency. Angus has been an education advocate in her community through PTA and other groups for the last ten years and is active in local community matters. Angus loves the opportunity to guide others to resources they need to help themselves or their families — whether in a job position, as a volunteer or as a friend.

Project Title

Longview Community Disability Committee

Project Description

The City of Longview, Angus’ hometown and current residence, has never had a disability committee to address the needs of its community members. Angus wants to collaborate and plan with city leaders to connect those with disabilities to share their experiences for a better community for everyone. Angus plans to model her committee after the examples of other local East Texas cities like Tyler and Nacogdoches, which already have these committees, as well as the Texas Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities.