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Session 6 of 2020 Class Held Online

Texas Partners in Policymaking holds Class 2020 Session 6 online

Table of Contents

Due to the situation with COVID-19, session 6 of Texas Partners in Policymaking was held online. This session focused on communication and media training and advocacy strategies at the federal level. During the session, national experts provided presentations, coaching, and facilitated discussions designed to give members of the 2020 class a comprehensive view of how to work with the media and how to effect legislative change at the federal level.

Strategic Communications and Media Training

The session started with a presentation from Robb Leer on strategic communications and media training. Leer, president of Leer Communications and Consulting, has decades of experience in creating effective communication and media strategies. Leer presented information through slides and video content and provided small group and one-on-one coaching. He shared the 3P Philosophy for interacting with the media – participate, prepare, partner. He also discussed how to prepare for a media interview, including developing an action plan and structuring messages to include a sound bite.

Advocacy Strategies at the Federal Level

In the afternoon, Erin Prangley presented on advocacy strategies at the federal level. Prangley is the Director of Public Policy for the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities and has extensive experience working in legislative offices and non-profit organizations. Prangley discussed how a bill becomes a law and how to connect with your elected officials using a process called “power mapping.” She also shared opportunities for self-advocacy in the three levels of government – in the executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch.

Apply Now for the Class of 2021

Now more than ever, disability advocates play a critical role – ensuring people with disabilities are included and considered in their communities. Texas Partners in Policymaking equips local advocates with the skills and experience needed to take their advocacy to the next level. Applications for the 2021 class are now being accepted, and the deadline to apply is April 17, 2020. Future sessions may be held in-person or online via video Policymaking equip local advocates with the skills and experience conference. To learn more and apply, click here.


