Texas Partners Launches Alumni Program

Texas Partners in Policymaking ALUMNI Logo 2-22

Texas Partners in Policymaking (Partners) has launched its official alumni program! Partners graduates who become members of the program will have opportunities to stay connected, informed, and engaged so they can continue to make an impact in the lives of people with disabilities in Texas.

About the Program

Texas Partners in Policymaking is an advanced leadership development and advocacy skills training program that is provided over the course of nine months. Through the years, many Partners graduates have stayed in contact with each other and with the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities (TCDD) – the organization that coordinates the Partners program – but now TCDD wants to formally connect with graduates with the Texas Partners in Policymaking alumni program.

By becoming a member of the alumni program, graduates will be able to continue their Partners experience. The alumni program will provide opportunities for graduates to stay connected, informed, and engaged so they can take their advocacy to the next level and impact the lives of people with disabilities. Specifically, the alumni program will include:

  • Disability Policy Academiesregularly scheduled webinars that feature disability policy experts and provide continued policy education and training.
  • Partners Connection: a monthly e-newsletter that highlights alumni program events, alumni impacts, leadership and advocacy opportunities, and more.
  • Facebook Group: a closed Facebook group for alumni to ask questions and share information.
  • Networking: alumni can connect and network with the program’s more than 700 graduates.

Texas Partners in Policymaking have graduated nearly 20 classes over the years and anyone who has graduated from Partners is eligible to become a member of the alumni program. Since the program is designed for graduates who want to stay engaged and informed, continue to build their skills, and take their advocacy to the next level, alumni program members are expected to stay active in disability advocacy. There is no cost to join the alumni program.

I’m Not a Graduate – Can I Become a Member?

The alumni program is only for people who have graduated from Texas Partners in Policymaking. If you are interested in participating in Partners, make sure you subscribe to receive Partners emails so you get notified about the application period for the next class. Applications are typically accepted in the spring.

If you are interested in joining the alumni program, visit the Become a Member page.


